Hope that you all had a lovely August and managed to get some sun either at home (not much) or away :) September kicks off with a couple of weeks of watercolour and drawing skills. We take a look at getting watercolour washes as you want them and how to mix two and then three colours together.
You will also see that we have quite a few Saturday Art Workshops lined up until November, hope you can join in. They are designed by me to cater to beginners as well as those who are more experienced. If you have been coming for a while it is a good opportunity to really develop skills as well as try out new techniques. See all of the details in the Saturday Workshops page, click here

Roy and myself have had a very busy August, more building work on my studio at the end of the garden and it is not far off being finished. I now have doors! A few windows to go and it will be snug and warm for winter. I have also been painting a lot, I have a deadline to meet and it has meant long days painting to get the amount ready that I want to show. So no rest for me!
Lastly, we have been asked if any of our class members would like to take part in the Oxmarket Stride Open, you can see all of the details here
Their website is here Oxmarket Stride Open