Please book your place if you have registered initial interest or if you have just seen this and want to come. In order to keep track of who is coming can you book here
There are lots of options for joining us and you can bring along a friend or relative if you wish too. We will hire a coach for Saturday 24 June and we need 24 people! It is filling up already.
Saturday 24 June, 9.30 pick up and 5pm return by coach (pick up to be advised but in Worthing)
Included in the price of the day there will be lesson plans to go with the day out,
step by step instructions on how to paint flowers and how to work in outdoor settings before we go
tuition, tips and how to get the best out of your paintings on location
All abilities are welcome, so if you have just started out and would like to join in then please do book using the link above
Options for the bookings are:
a picnic provided - by the lovely Kevin in the cafe at Heene Road
bring your own lunch
Payment is at class or by bank transfer (all details are in the above booking link)
Thank you :)